Virtual Receptionist

A virtual receptionist offers your clients the opportunity to connect with a real, live person that represents your business. Our virtual receptionist service offers you the capabilities of a traditional receptionist without the costs of hiring or training an on site representative.

Advancements in the communication world such as the virtual receptionist allows you and your clients to stay connected around the clock.

What we offer our clients with the virtual receptionist include:

  • Answering FAQ’s: which could include business hours, locations, addresses, and other simple questions regarding your business saving you time and man power.
  • Taking Messages: we answer the call as instructed by you and obtain the callers information and/or message, then relay the information to you so you don’t ever miss an opportunity.
  • Scheduling Appointments: we can take calls from clients and schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments as needed for any kind of business or medical group.
  • After-Hours Support: our virtual receptionist services allows you the peace of mind that whoever calls will reach one of our live agents every time – never a voicemail box. You can choose how few or how many calls are taken, ranging from; all day, just after hours, weekends, and holidays, or any combination of those to suit your business needs.
  • Live Transfers: you have the option to screen who’s calling and decide if you’d like to take the call personally or allow one of our agents to handle it. Live transfer makes that possible. You can see the call and if you don’t answer after a few rings one of our agents will happily take the call for you. The counter option with live transfer calls is our agents take every call, place the caller on a brief hold while they contact you, and see if you’d like the call forwarded right to you. Either way, you’re in control of who you speak with.

Our virtual receptionist services are great for businesses with increased phone traffic. In the midst of everything else involved in running a business, we help you answer when opportunity calls.